Parents Library

Parenting is a lifelong journey, culminating in success when your child becomes self-driven and self-sustaining. Explore shared experiences on nurturing and supporting your child holistically. Hear diverse paradigms and parenting styles to ignite ideas for your meaningful journey—because every child is unique.

Parents Library

Study support

Discover strategies for providing optimal support to your child during exams. Understand how to navigate and address challenges when your child faces difficulties in academics, including dealing with bad grades.

Extracurricular Support

Learn how to effectively support your child’s involvement in extracurricular activities, including managing overloaded schedules. Understand the cultural shifts your child may experience when studying abroad.

Parenting and Lifestyle

Explore the unique core values within different families. Receive advice for parents considering sending their child abroad, encompassing valuable insights into parenting and lifestyle adjustments associated with the decision.